People who don’t know how to ride the bus, especially when it is full

The bane of my existence...

Important note to make before I start off todays hate. There are two types of people who will not  be able to comprehend what I am explaining. First, people who don’t ride the bus. Lucky duckies. Second, people who do ride the bus and happen to be the reason behind the inspiration for todays hate. Perhaps a lesson or two will be learned for that group. I can only hope, but alas I am doubtful nonetheless.

Keep in my mind that I made it a point to mention that this post is about when the bus is full. This is when public transportation etiquette it of the upmost importance. More people equals less space, less space equals more shoulder rubbing which eventually leads to having someone’s head in your armpit (if you are tall). Or in the case of actually finding a seat on the bus, having to stare at some old mans crotch who is a “standee” right in front of you. Gross. With these inevitable situations that will be encountered 9 times out of 10 on a rush hour route it is almost impossible to think that it could get any worse. But oh yes. It can, and it does!

When riding the bus to a place like school where you would assume most people partaking in the journey alongside you are also fellow P.T. (public transportation) veterans, you expect a certain level of dignity. You know the rules and expect nothing less of your fellow comrades. You think to yourself, “we’re all riding this shitbox together. Lets make the most of it.” I hate to break it to you though, you are a rare breed if you do indeed think this way. Here is why:

There is always someone with a backpack/large purse/homeless man bag of treasures that has no concept of getting their shit out of the fucking way. I understand that you need to take your shit to and fro, from point A to B. What I cannot comprehend is the fact that these people seem to think that wearing said large item makes any sense on a crowded bus. Please, for the love of God put it on the ground and shimmy it around if you need to. Now we can all have a bit of personal space.

You can tell how full the bus is by how many people are standing. Or can you? Often times I find that when I am on such a bus there are usually few people who are getting off before the terminal station. But every now and then, magic! Someone gets up! Wait, is that another person who is getting off at this stop as well? Oh my, did I just see another one? Look at all those free seats! At least if I don’t get one, there will be more air space on the bus, and potentially more room for others. But wait. People within a 30 cm radius of these seats are just staring at them. Awkwardly. Looking apprehensive. You can tell that they want to sit down, but don’t want to be “that guy” who snags the seat so quickly. Personally, I say go for it! Someone needs to sit the fuck down so we all have a little more room. Today it is random guy that gets that seat. Fine. Tomorrow it will be me. I don’t care. Just take the fucking seat and clear some aisle space and quit looking like you go through life with your finger up your asshole.

Yeah that's right, I look too fucking cool to take this bad boy off!

Finally something that is near and dear to my heart. Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate and I mean hate being cold. I also get cold very easily. Winter time does not equal fun time for me. It is for this reason during the blustery months of Winter and even early Spring that I cannot stand the mofo’s who take it upon themselves to open the windows of the speeding bus. Oh wait, not just open the windows, but ask no one if it is okay. If it is still below 10 degrees Celsius outside, you should have to decency to ask before doing this. Ah, but I know what you’re going to say. “What about the other people being hot? Shouldn’t you give some consideration to them?” I thought about that. Entertained the idea. But again realized that 9 times out of 10 these people are wearing fucking coats that they could just take off. Instead I am left there in my coat freezing my tits off, waiting for the daggers of the bitter wind to end at every red light. Or if I am in an especially delightful mood just going over and closing the window myself. Hard. Very hard. Like I fucking mean it.


Filed under complaining, Hating, Ranting, Uncategorized

8 responses to “People who don’t know how to ride the bus, especially when it is full

  1. Candace

    How about when the fuckers don’t move back and you have to yell like you mean it to get people to move into the empty space in the middle of the bus.

    Or you can just bash your way through the crowd to go stand in the openness yourself… that’s my idea of a good time.

  2. Orlina

    Bags are put on the seat next to them for a reason: they don’t want people sitting next to them. Sure its public transport but getting a seat is not a guarantee, only being taken from point A to point B is a promise.

    I am only telling this because you mentioned why you don’t get why they do this. Its all about personal space. Its bad enough being on PT, doesn’t mean you want to be smothered by undesirables too.

    • Putting your bag next to your seat is incredibly inconsiderate. If someone doesn’t want an “undesirable” sitting next to them, they should cough up the dough and buy themselves a car. There is no reason why a bag should take precedent over a human being.

  3. Laura

    Hear hear! I would add my hate for those wonderful people who stand in the doorway of a crowded bus, whom one literally has to push out of the way to make it off the bus before it drives away. I realize the doorway makes a comfortable leaning spot, but if I trip over you on my way out the door I’m taking you down with me!

  4. Jenno

    So true Amanda…. so true. Might I add that although Van is indeed a rainy city, when someone rubs their soaking wet umbrella all over your leg, I want to cram it up their inconsiderate arse!!! I miss a lot of things about Vancouver… especially you, but definitely NOT public transportation!!!

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