Tag Archives: Fashion

People who wear running shoes with everyday, non-athletic attire

Thanks, Al.

Human beings are a fascinating species. We have many things to be proud of. We developed efficient agricultural methods which allowed us to leave our hunter gatherer lifestyle behind. Henry Ford patented the famous assembly line method which is now exploited in thousands of factories and workplaces worldwide. And lets not leave out Al Gore, the man who “invented” the internet. However much humanity has contributed good to this world, there are always a few people out there who manage to fuck things up.

Todays hate is focused on fashion rejects. Realistically I could have put forth several topics (mom jeans, wearing black and brown together, socks with sandals) that would have been easy to write about. I chose to focus on running shoes since I have been seeing so much of it in the past week. Maybe something to do with it being marathon season? Whatever the reason I have a zero tolerance policy for it, and here is why:

Unless you are at the gym, or taking part in some sort of athletic activity, you shouldn’t be wearing running shoes with anything other than athletic wear. The classic argument of course is that running shoes are comfortable. Yes, very much so. That argument works up until you become an adult, and then you have to start wearing grown up shoes. Running shoes with anything when you were 8 was perfectly acceptable, but now that you are in university, have a career and so forth, it is time to hang up those laced bastards and put something else on your feet. Of course your other alternative would be to just wear athletic wear all the time with your running shoes, but that would just end up being the topic of yet another entry. The flip side is also true with this. People who wear athletic wear such as a lululemon tracksuit with high heels should also be taken outside and shot.

Running shoes are ugly, and are no fun to buy. They are also expensive! I myself am an avid runner and am in dire need of new running shoes. I have been having a really difficult time with the fact that I will soon have to part with over a hundred dollars on something as lame as running shoes instead of spending that coin on awesome shoes, such as black high heels. For the people out there that already have a good set of runners for the love of God, go out and buy yourself something pretty. I wish to live vicariously through your purchase.

They would never tolerate such a thing!

Last but not least, when you wear running shoes with anything other than athletic wear you look like an idiot. Plain and simple. It takes just as much time to put on another more socially acceptable pair of shoes, that are twice as fun to pick out. Stacey and Clinton would be proud.


Filed under complaining, Ranting, Uncategorized